Approach hiring a roofing company with the same diligence and expectations that you would when making a hire at your business or place of employment.
You are the employer who is offering the roofer a job, and you should be treated with the appropriate consideration and respect. From the moment you first reach out with a query for a quote, you should receive customer service and get a strong sense of competence and professionalism. In this article, we will discuss five questions to ask to make sure you're getting the best roofer for your job.
For most individuals, a home represents their most valuable investment. In order to protect your investment, it's important to make sure the roof is in a good state of repair. Your roof provides many functions critical to ensuring your house will remain in a good state of repair. If you can keep moisture from seeping beneath your shingles, there's no reason your house can't steadily increase in value throughout the course of your lifetime. Although roof replacements are infrequent, they represent one of the most critical decisions you'll make with regards to your home.
When you begin your search for a roofer, you will be interested in their expertise. However, it is equally important to find a company that is willing to listen to your needs and expectations. At the end of the day, it is your home, and you have to be satisfied with the final result. One of the most important qualities of a roofing company is that they demonstrate they are able to listen to their clients and fully understand their needs. Here are some questions you can keep in mind to help make the selection process easier.
5 Questions to Ask a Prospective Roofing Company
** After you've checked that they are Insured, Certified by the Manufacturers & are part of their Local Roofers' Association IE: RCAT or NRCA **
1. What Materials Do They Prefer and Why?
Every building needs a roof, and different materials are more suited to certain projects. A roof can be made from metal, asphalt, wood, clay, cement, and many other possibilities. All of these materials have advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of structure that needs a roof, where it is located geographically, and the budget for the project. Your quote will begin with an assessment of the type of structure you are working with. Your roofer can then provide you with a list of pros and cons for the various materials he/she might suggest.
Do Your Due Diligence
It is a great idea to do your own minimal research before you approach a roofing company. The more of a general idea you have about the process, the better you will be able to assess the answers given by the company you approach. It's usually possible to achieve a general idea of the price range by doing searches for similar projects in your area. You will be relying on the expertise of the company you eventually choose, but the more you know going into the project, the better you will be able to make your selection.
2. Do They Stick to Their Estimates?
Many homeowners gather several estimates before they commit to a roofing company. The best roofing companies will be happy to answer all your questions about what is and isn't included in the estimate. You should never allow any roofing company to begin work on your property without a signed estimate. The estimate will establish expectations and ensure there is no confusion about the cost, the work that will be done, and the expected timeframe for the work to be completed.
Be extremely wary of any roofing company that offers you a flat rate as an estimate. When you are evaluating roofing companies, be sure to consider the estimate in the context of the rest of your impressions of that company. A low estimate might seem attractive by itself, but if you are not convinced that the contractor will stick to the estimate, then you should strike that company from your consideration. Feel free to ask the contractor directly if they will stick to their estimate. It is their job to convince you that they are the right company for your project.
What to Look For
A good estimate will include material costs, labor costs, and home inspection costs. Also, be sure that the estimate includes a fee for garbage disposal. Renting a dumpster can be very expensive, and pulling old shingles off of your roof creates a large amount of debris. When you compare estimates, create a line-by-line comparison to make sure an estimate isn't less expensive just because they left out critical costs. The best roofing companies do a thorough inspection of your home to avoid any unfortunate and costly additional charges.
3. Can They Do Other Projects?
Sometimes a roofing project is the result of storm damage that created extensive interior and exterior damage. In that instance, you need a roofing company that can handle all areas of construction. Every home project is an opportunity to evaluate a contractor. Once you find somebody you like, it is always a prudent decision to consider them for future projects. Roofers that take the time to do thorough inspections before offering an estimate, sometimes discover problems that are in desperate need of attention.
Above and Beyond
The more knowledgeable your roofer is about all areas of construction, the more accurate your estimate and final work will be. If they discover mold or decay while working up the estimate, they can provide you with a strategy for correcting the problem in the context of the overall plan for the roof. This saves you the time, effort, and frustration of bringing another contractor up to speed.
4. Can They Offer Loans?
A roofing company that can offer a loan can be a one-stop-shop for all your roofing needs. Most people want to get their roofing projects done as quickly as possible to ensure the continued viability of their home. Also, construction dates can fill up during the summer, and if you are waiting for a bank to approve your loan, it can lead to extensive and needless delays. A roofer that offers reasonable loans and payment plans has a greater incentive to approve the project and get to work, so the process is often much faster than what you find with other lenders.
When the Work is Extensive
If you have extensive repair or remodeling work, it is often more economical and efficient to schedule it all in one fell swoop. This allows you to save time coordinating a variety of meetings with lenders and contractors, each of which can involve travel and time commitments. A roofing company that can secure you a loan and follow a building schedule that allows them to transition from a remodeling project to a roofing project, saves you from delays, and eliminates some set-up costs.
5. How Do They Contribute to the Local Community?
Sometimes the best way to get a sense for a company is to learn about the efforts they make to give back to a community. Even if you know nothing about roofing or construction in general, you can always trust your innate ability as a judge of people. Today there is a strong expectation that business exists as more than just for-profit entities, and that they dedicate a certain amount of their efforts to helping out those around them. Whether it's through a commitment to buying local or a series of charitable programs, you can learn a lot about a company through the causes it supports.
What Do They Stand For?
Discussing the charitable efforts of a roofing company also gives you the opportunity to engage with one of their customer service representatives on a more personal level. When you steer the conversation to community support, it helps break the ice and become a more natural exchange of ideas. You'll hear pride and enthusiasm in the representative's voice, and that will provide considerable assurance that this is a company committed to doing the right thing. You have a choice of service providers, and it's always advantageous to support companies that give back locally.
Find The Right Roofer For Your Project
There is no reason for anyone to settle with inferior service when it comes to their repair, remodeling, or roofing needs. At Austin Roofing And Construction, we understand that you have a life beyond your project. You deserve a roofer that will listen and adhere to the work that you need performed. They should be able to give you an accurate and comprehensive estimate, and facilitate every other aspect of the job to ensure it moves quickly from initiation through to completion. A roof is a vital component of your home and installing a new roof efficiently and affordably provides immediate peace of mind.
Because we offer our own financing, we can be very flexible in establishing a work schedule that addresses all the little projects you've had on your list forever. Consolidating all your needs into one service greatly reduces set-up costs and the time you spend making phone calls and scheduling meetings. Finally, we have an ongoing commitment to dedicate roofs and construction expertise to the Community First! Village.
Contact us today to learn more about our business philosophy and to schedule a free estimate for your new building, roofing, or remodeling project!
Local People Helping Local People
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